I’m a freelance journalist and writer based in Northern Ireland. I've been lucky enough to have the opportunity to write about a whole range of subjects: from ghosts, monsters and strange phenomena to
I’m a freelance journalist and writer based in Northern Ireland.
I've been lucky enough to have the opportunity to write about a whole range of subjects: from ghosts, monsters and strange phenomena to yoga and health (via some entertainment and ethical living). I'm constantly ferreting out fresh leads and new ideas.
Thanks to a strong academic background I'm able to explore human nature and experiences from a variety of viewpoints: personal, strictly scientific, anthropological or a more esoteric approach.
I’m an avid advocate for popular culture, always keeping up to date with the latest in film, television and gaming.
Specialist areas
ethical, environmental, green issues, health, paranormal, ghosts, psychic, religion, science, medicine, entertainment, sceptic, skeptic, science, history, fortean, literature, television, cinema, science fiction, chronic illness, disability, lifestyle, haunted, paranormal, wellbeing, new age, love, robots, environment, hypermobility, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, poltergeists, monsters, cryptozoology, weird, strange, bizarre, mysteries, odd, folklore, urban legends, otherkin, fae, fairy, myth, fae, budget weddings, faerie, otherkin, horror, spooky, amityville, babies, parenting, attachment parenting, gentle parenting, Halloween, folklore, fairy tales, vampires, Enfield Poltergeist, Amityville, haunted dolls