Cut my teeth with a PR company specialising in home improvement products (from white goods to underfloor heating) for the trade press. Joined start-up monthly trade magazine Bathrooms, Kitchens & Tiles,
Cut my teeth with a PR company specialising in home improvement products (from white goods to underfloor heating) for the trade press.
Joined start-up monthly trade magazine Bathrooms, Kitchens & Tiles, where I was involved in all aspects of writing, editing and producing the magazine.
Was assistant news editor (and acting news editor for two extended periods) on weekly trade magazine Electrical & Radio Trading, where I also wrote features and other sections.
Have a long, on-going freelance association with weekly trade publication Caterer & Hotelkeeper on a number of fronts such as news, features, the product section - and website document management and maintenance systems (this included keeping the Trends & Data and Company Profile sections updated for several years.)
I have also provided copy for Kitchen, Bedroom & Bathroom Review, Middle East Electricity, Asian Electricity, Estates Gazette, and a Morgan Freeman food exhibition directory.
Education: 10 O levels; 3 A levels; BA Honours in English Literature
Specialist areas
Specialist areas: Freelance reporter, writer, copy editor, proof reader, along with website document management - largely for trade magazines in the food and drink/hospitality and electrical retail sectors; also some academic copy editing. Editorial work: includes general and business news for published magazines and the web, product news, and features on general issues, food, catering and consumer equipment, technology, operators, exhibitions, market reports.