An Oxford graduate in Modern History, I worked in the City of London for eight years, for accountants Coopers & Lybrand, merchant banks and stockbrokers before retraining as a journalist at Lancashire
An Oxford graduate in Modern History, I worked in the City of London for eight years, for accountants Coopers & Lybrand, merchant banks and stockbrokers before retraining as a journalist at Lancashire Polytechnic. I then became a reporter, working on papers in Lancashire.
I moved to the North East and was business editor on The Newcastle Journal for four years and business reporter for three, with a year as features writer. While I worked for The Journal I was four times named North East Business Journalist of the Year and won the national title for the BT Regional Press and Broadcast Awards in 1998, having been runner up the year before. Under my editorship The Journal was named Business Paper of the Year in 2001. After leaving The Journal in 2002, I worked in PR but returned to writing in 2008. Since then I have spent two years editing North East Contact magazine and BQ2 magazine and have contributed features to regional and national publications on subjects ranging from business to showbusiness celebrity interviews.
Specialist areas
Business, general features including celebrity interviews, travel