Health & Fitness spokesmodel as seen in international press and TV. As successful Bikini athlete Rachel won a title trophy as Bikini Diva Champion 2013. High profile on Internet from Ten years press interviews
Health & Fitness spokesmodel as seen in international press and TV. As successful Bikini athlete Rachel won a title trophy as Bikini Diva Champion 2013. High profile on Internet from Ten years press interviews as Spokesmodel on fitness and beauty. Rachel is available for media interviews. Currently 2013- 2016 bikini Masters Athlete UKBFF competitor
Specialist areas
Women`s Interest Health & Fitness sookesmodel. I write on health and fitness, beauty and am online Image Consultant with my website Make Over Essex I have done interviews on healthy Sex and Relationships, Dating advice, Nutrition, gym workouts and beauty make overs for men and women. My biz is @MakeOverEssex