I am a B2B journalist, with an established reputation in the industries listed above and was awarded Meetings & Events News Journalist of the Year and Business Travel Features Journalist of the Year -
I am a B2B journalist, with an established reputation in the industries listed above and was awarded Meetings & Events News Journalist of the Year and Business Travel Features Journalist of the Year - Air (see exec.jets feature in My Gallery) in the 2013 Carlson Wagonlit Business Travel Journalist Awards. I am a resourceful researcher and my writing style is easy to read and informative. I am a quick, accurate subeditor and I have a healthy respect for deadlines. I also have broad experience of editing staff and client magazines and understand how to tread the fine line between conveying required messages while not doing a heavy sell. I also write press releases and do media training, combining humour with practical advice
Specialist areas
Business travel, especially risk management, hotels and serviced apartments; conference & incentive travel, motivation, fleet cars, corporate hospitality, quirky & humorous issues such as the psychology of boardroom biscuits or company name changes. I am also an adept copy writer; I have a knack for writing lively, creative and entertaining copy and for encapsulating company culture in succinct, easy-to-read prose