I have been industrial correspondent for the B'ham Evening Mail, news editor for the Express & Star, personal finance editor for the B'ham Post and spent two years writing for Estates Gazette in the Midlands.
I have been industrial correspondent for the B'ham Evening Mail, news editor for the Express & Star, personal finance editor for the B'ham Post and spent two years writing for Estates Gazette in the Midlands. I have freelanced since 2000.
My LinkedIn profile expands on all of the above and more - possibly to excess.
My Twitter feed is @TheIanHalstead
Specialist areas
I cover a wide range of business topics; including property, regeneration, manufacturing, international trade and both personal and corporate finance. I love writing 'people profiles', on characters as diverse as the high-profile architect Glenn Howells and Sultan Choudhury, CEO of Al Rayan Bank. Am currently (Sept 2015) writing an annual review for Calthorpe Estates, creating content for a construction software client of Tomorrow People, writing pages for new web-sites at Open Box Publishing and the Confederation of British Metalforming. Have also started writing features for DHL's house magazine (Delivered) and Bauer Media's Automotive Management.