An expert feature writer, copywriter and sub-editor, I have over 20 years’ experience producing high-quality features for magazines and websites, communicating and honing corporate messages, and subbing/editing
An expert feature writer, copywriter and sub-editor, I have over 20 years’ experience producing high-quality features for magazines and websites, communicating and honing corporate messages, and subbing/editing across a wide variety of subjects and markets.
Recent feature-writing clients include The Daily Telegraph, CIO UK, Building, Interiors Focus, Computing, Computer Reseller News, Service Management, Town & Country Properties and Masterclass, as well their associated websites. I was also the sole news writer and supplements editor for ICT for Education magazine.
Copywriting assignments include producing sales material for the likes of Microsoft partner Avanade and the Times Educational Supplement.
I regularly take on sub-editing shifts on Accountancy and Business magazine for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, as well as Business Green, Computeractive and Computer Reseller News magazines for Incisive Media. I was also the chief sub-editor on What Laptop magazine for four years.
A full CV is available on request.
Specialist areas
Education, business, finance, accountancy, construction and property, interior fit-outs, sustainability, management, IT, computing and technical