Young, Fun and Type 1 strives to be “an honest, no-holds-barred health, lifestyle and wellbeing site” focussing on young women’s issues such as body image, self-esteem and the impact of popular culture.
Young, Fun and Type 1 strives to be “an honest, no-holds-barred health, lifestyle and wellbeing site” focussing on young women’s issues such as body image, self-esteem and the impact of popular culture. There is a particular focus on living life to the full while juggling other issues; in Jen’s case - type 1 diabetes.
Jen trained as a Broadcast Journalist, working in commercial radio and television specialising in health and women’s issues, now working as an Online Content Producer for Radio 1 and 1Xtra. She originally set up YFT1 as she felt there was a lack of material for type 1 diabetics that she felt wasn’t intimidating, patronizing or confusing.
The site has been broadened to address health issues more generally, as she produces content that aims to engage with young people and 20-somethings who are “finding their way, and are becoming determined and excited by life”.
In terms of PR opportunities, Jen is keen to hear about any products, people or services that are relevant to young people and 20-something women, stats in relation to health, wellbeing and women in society and the media, and also health products that are intended to “make us better people”. She will link accordingly to websites and social platforms. She writes: “I’m relaying my experiences, from holistic treatments to drinking cocktails to fitness to travelling with type 1 from a very human, personal viewpoint, which doesn't really exist elsewhere. I’m also commenting on the world around me – society, culture, the media; all these things that we consume and engage with, that shape us as adults.”
Jen is also available for freelance writing, feature and contributor comissions about health, women, body image, as well as social media. Recent projects include holistic retreat reviews and articles about cycling for Hip & Healthy, comment pieces on Thought Catalog, co-hosting a special about Type 1 Diabetes on Radio 1's Surgery and presentations as a representative of Radio 1 on the value of advice online for a young audience.
Specialist areas
Wellbeing, health, lifestyle, type 1 diabetes, body image, self-esteem, social media, radio, advice for young people, wellness retreats, fitness, the representation of women in the media, empowering young women, exercise, natural/holistic treatments