As well as writing for the national press, I write for a range of specialist publications including Bloomberg New Energy Finance, 2degrees Network, Flight International, Ethical Performance, The Trillion
As well as writing for the national press, I write for a range of specialist publications including Bloomberg New Energy Finance, 2degrees Network, Flight International, Ethical Performance, The Trillion Fund, Campden FB and The City Magazine.
I also do corporate work for clients including Hermes Investment Management, ING, CDP, Lloyd's of London, Siemens, PwC, Deloitte, Rabobank, Ernst & Young, AEA, Jupiter Asset Management, the Carbon Trust, the Energy Saving Trust, GLOBE International, the global legislators' organisation, Eurofi, a Paris-based finance think tank and Friends of Europe, a Brussels-based think tank.
I do content marketing and inbound marketing including blogs, white papers, thought leadership, e-mail campaigns and social media ads.
Specialist areas
Environment, business, climate change, ethical investing, SRI, CSR, carbon markets, sustainability, renewable energy, carbon markets, clean technology covering every sector of the economy, including aviation, energy, agribusiness and transport.