I write for Vice, Bitterwallet and The Quietus. In the past, I've written for the NME, BBC Good Food, The Guardian, Gizmodo, numerous Shiny Media sites (including Tech Digest, TVScoop and Who Ate All The
I write for Vice, Bitterwallet and The Quietus. In the past, I've written for the NME, BBC Good Food, The Guardian, Gizmodo, numerous Shiny Media sites (including Tech Digest, TVScoop and Who Ate All The Pies), Hecklerspray, t3 and many more.
There's also been a host of TV and radio appearances, including From The Basement, a failed comedy pilot and BBC appearances.
Specialist areas
Specialist areas are music, sports, lifestyle, television, reviews, previews, design, books, columns, opinion pieces, press releases and humourous editorials.