Former news writer for BBC and ITN. Journalist in the UK and the USA. Member of Society of Editors and Proofreaders, American Translators Association, Institute for Translation and Interpreting, Equity
Former news writer for BBC and ITN. Journalist in the UK and the USA. Member of Society of Editors and Proofreaders, American Translators Association, Institute for Translation and Interpreting, Equity and National Union of Journalists. Professional broadcaster, food historian, mycologist, Middle East politics. Editor of history and politics for university publications. Contact me for full c.v.
Specialist areas
Translator from French, Hebrew and Arabic into English, author of 14 cookbooks , 2 travel books and 2 Jewish histories. Three books on fungi published, "A Naturalist's Guide to the Fungi and Mushrooms of Britain and Northern Europe", "Les Champignons du Quebec" and "Mushrooms of Britain and Northern Europe". Articles on political subjects for various publications, including Progress.