I came to Paris in 1991 on a year's sabbatical from my job in London as a college lecturer, and have stayed ever since. I spend my weekends exploring the Paris countryside by train and on foot, and
I came to Paris in 1991 on a year's sabbatical from my job in London as a college lecturer, and have stayed ever since.
I spend my weekends exploring the Paris countryside by train and on foot, and work as a freelance teacher of English to French financial analysts and editor of articles written in English by French economists.
Specialist areas
Author of An Hour From Paris (Pallas Athene 2002, 2008, forthcoming 2015), a guide to lesser-known day trips from Paris by train, I specialise in offbeat travel and lifestyle features. I have lived in Paris since 1991 and have written about Paris restaurants, yoga, rambling, bird-watching, sailing and dancing, as well as about exploring the countryside around Paris, container ship travel, classical sites in Libya and Turkey and city breaks in Paris and Berlin.