• Author of several mass market cookery books - 1000 Juices, Smoothies and Green Drinks (due 10/14) 500 Light Meals 2014, 500 Quick Meals 2012, 500 Vegan Recipes 2011 (both Quintet); Shakes and Sodas,
• Author of several mass market cookery books - 1000 Juices, Smoothies and Green Drinks (due 10/14) 500 Light Meals 2014, 500 Quick Meals 2012, 500 Vegan Recipes 2011 (both Quintet); Shakes and Sodas, (Ebury); Working Woman’s Cookery Course and Recipe Collection, (Odhams); Vegetarian Cooking Made Easy & Food Processor Cookery, (Ward Lock).
• Editor on compilation titles using reuse material: The Baker's Bible, Start It: Indulge It desserts + 6 more series titles, The Complete Book of Cookies.
• Author of Green Website Guide for Better Living, Southbank, 2008. A comprehensive guide to everything green on the web from climate change and endangered species to domestic energy and vegan shoes.
• Edited and co-wrote the Good Website Guide, Harper Collins, an annual review of 5,000+ of the best sites on the web in exhaustive range of categories. Involves checking sites for updates and relevance, sourcing new entries, copy editing, indexing and proof reading.
• Experienced Editor of illustrated non-fiction books on topics as diverse as Ken Russell, green living, parenting, education, art and craft, memorabilia and a vast number of cookery books
• Adviser on homework help book series for WHSmith.
• Written magazine articles and PR materials mainly on cookery and parenting.
• Experienced in Americanisation (having lived in the US).
• Formally Managing Editor for Odhams responsible for partwork series publications in cookery, gardening, crafts, fashion and preschool. Adapted material for US and European markets.
• Voluntary work as long-term Chair of Governors at the local secondary school provides good up-to-date resources and information on parenting and education-related issues.
Specialist areas
Recently published: 500 student Meals, 500 Light Meals, 500 Quick Meals and 500 Vegan Recipes. Written 1000 Juices, Smoothies and Green Drinks for publication Oct 2014 Freelance sub-editor and contributor to The English Home Magazine Looking for regular work on foodie/lifestyle mag Experienced writer on general and family foods; experienced at Americanising British English (and vice versa), experienced at working with archive and reuse materials, recipe checking. Able to art direct cookery photoshoots. Live in Wiltshire and have an interest in local foods. Web site reviewer, web research, green issues, cookery, education, parenting, general editorial work for mass market publications. Web research - if it's there I can find it and can sort the wheat from the chaff. Particularly good at reducing ideas to the level of the non-informed reader. Green issues - having written a book on the subject, I am able to write on environmental topics aimed at general reader. Secondary education and parenting issues - a personal passion. Qualified life coach, now able to add this to specialist areas