After a career training teachers to teach English as a Foreign language my husband and I moved to Umbria Italy in 1994. I worked on a number of academic books as well as writing a book about Italy for
After a career training teachers to teach English as a Foreign language my husband and I moved to Umbria Italy in 1994. I worked on a number of academic books as well as writing a book about Italy for children and writing for various magazines both on and offline. I got the idea for Italy magazine in 2001, approached a UK publisher and became editor for five years working from Italy. It became the top selling glossy on Italy in the UK with a hugely successful website. As well as commissioning journalists and photographers and planning the magazine I also wrote for it regularly. I then became the magazine business development manager selling advertising space in Italian and English to many top brands.
I decided to leave the magazine and go freelance in 2006 (we also moved to Tuscany) and now do a variety of work, mostly online, including web SEO and writing for an Italian marketing and real estate company, writing for a dog owners site (a job I got through Guardian media), freelancing for a US name development branding company, writing for a UK English language publisher and now promoting Andrew Crofts novel The Overnight Fame of Steffi McBride online. I am also a ghostwriter and am currently working on a novel for young adults and a non fiction book. I also know a lot about SEO (search engine optimisation) and internet marketing, own two pet websites and speak Italian.
Specialist areas
Italy-based British writer and ghostwriter. Editor of UK's ITALY magazine for five years. Online journalist for dog owners social networking site writing over 170 features in six months. Expert on pets, Italy (lifestyle) teaching and learning English as a Foreign language (25 books published), online marketing, spirituality and general women's interest topics. Experienced SEO and PR writer. Have interviewed several celebrities and am also responsible for the online marketing of top UK ghostwriter Andrew Crofts new novel. I've just started a new website and blog for pet owners in Italy