I am a freelance journalist/investment writer and blogger specialising in institutional investment, asset management and pensions issues as well as developments in the exchange traded funds (ETF) and hedge
I am a freelance journalist/investment writer and blogger specialising in institutional investment, asset management and pensions issues as well as developments in the exchange traded funds (ETF) and hedge fund industries.
I regularly contribute news and feature articles to a number of leading publications such as IPE, Portfolio Institutional, Financial News, Hedge Funds Review, Expert Investor Europe and Professional Pensions. I also chair roundtable events.
I also work with some leading financial institutions to produce fresh and digestible content including thought leadership articles, white-papers, press communications and placed articles.
My career, which began in 2001, spans both journalism and communications. Since 2008 I have been focussing mainly on writing, both for magazines and for corporate clients. I also provide strategic communications advice, particularly where fund managers are new to the world of proactive media relations. Prior to becoming a journalist, I worked in strategic communications and PR specialising in asset management most recently at Barings, where I was responsible for heading up their UK PR strategy. Prior to that I worked at a number of leading consultancies including Penrose (now MHP), Fishburn Hedges and Brunswick.
I is currently based in the UK, but have lived and worked in Germany (Frankfurt) and Switzerland (Zurich and Lausanne) during my career. I has picked up a bit of German along the way. I grew up in Tanzania, East Africa, so Africa remains a key interest.
A lover of all things outdoors, when I am not at my desk or running around after the kids, I am most likely out digging about in the garden, waging war on slugs or enjoying the spectacular local countryside either with dog or on horseback. Roses are a bit of an obsession, as is the constant endeavour to get the children interested in animals, growing and nature. I have been known to talk to my plants and chickens, though I try my best to do this only when other people are not in earshot.
My maiden name is Oakman.
Specialist areas
Mainly institutional pensions and investment news with a particular interest in ESG and responsible capitalism