Specialist subjects; Global health |public private partnerships | chronic, infectious and neglected diseases | research and development |innovative financing |equitable access | health systems| drugs,
Specialist subjects; Global health |public private partnerships | chronic, infectious and neglected diseases | research and development |innovative financing |equitable access | health systems| drugs, vaccines and diagnostics| universal service and universal access | IP | food| aid| donors| health research| climate change| low-cost access | cost containment| travel health| cross-border healthcare.
Also published in the following publications: Wall Street Journal Europe, New Scientist, Daily Telegraph and the Financial Times, Rough Guide's Anthology of Womens' Travel Writing, Intellectual Property Watch, Nursing Standard, International Travel Insurance Journal.
Specialist areas
TATUM ANDERSON writes about health, business, science and international development. My features, news analyses and reports have appeared in The Lancet, British Medical Journal, BBC News, The Economist, The Guardian Weekly,, Nature, The London Evening Standard and I have also contributed to reports, charities' magazines and global health projects. Clients include the Department for International Development and World Health Organisation. I have written about health systems, infectious and noncommunicable diseases, research and development for drugs, vaccines and diagnostics, health and climate change, foreign aid, anti-microbial resistance, health financing, procurement and distribution, cost containment, travel health.