Kash Gabriele Torsello is a professionally qualified photo producer with over twenty years of working experience in the creative media industries. Highly motivated and self-confident, able to think conceptually
Kash Gabriele Torsello is a professionally qualified photo producer with over twenty years of working experience in the creative media industries.
Highly motivated and self-confident, able to think conceptually and creatively delivering results against client briefs. Work under pressure and to tight deadlines with excellent levels of concentration, accuracy and attention to detail. Always takes a flexible approach to work, uses own initiative and functions well as key member of a team.
Skill Areas:
• Creating and Innovating
Produces new ideas and different ways for approaching issues.
• Leading and Taking Responsibility
Takes responsibility for own actions and for leading others.
• Analysing and Problem Solving
Identifies problems and gathers information, making judgements based on facts.
• Planning and Focusing on Quality
Plans activities and projects, using time effectively to produce high quality work.
• Managing Change and Pressure
Adapts to changes, remains calm and reacts positively to challenges.
• Showing Energy and Drive
Shows energy and enthusiasm for meeting difficult goals and taking on new responsibilities.
• Persuading and Communicating
Persuades others and resolves conflict. Communicates clearly when speaking and writing.
• Learning and Technology
Easily learns new information and quickly learns how to use new technologies.
• Working with Others
Works well with people by listening, understanding and supporting others.
Founder & Director of, regional Italian photo agency specialized on Landscape & Reportage for the Film, Editorial and Advertising Market.
Main clients: Apulia Film Commission, Porsche Engineering, McCann Erikson, Cinemaundici, Hearst Magazine, La Notte della Taranta Foundation
Communication & Events Manager in collaboration with the Media, Ministries of Foreign Affairs, European Union, ONG, and Corporates.
Main projects: Afghanistan Camera Oscura, Expression Volto Nostro, Kash & Shabana between Rome & Kabul, Staramascé a Meeting of Minds on Afghanistan, The Heart of Kashmir.
Photojournalist specialised on travel, daily life, human rights and conflicts.
Main areas: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, India, Nepal.
Main clients: Newsweek, The Observer, BBC, RAI TV, Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica, Panorama, Il Manifesto, Liberation, Kyoto Journal, Asia Time, UNICEF, UNFPA, Amnesty International, Zuma Press, International Federation of Journalist and many more.
Self-Publisher planning, organising and managing publication of photographic books.
Main publications: Kash Kidnapped (out soon); Afghanistan Camera Oscura, The Heart of Kashmir, L’Architettura del Fuoco, Contrappunti, Noi & Noi, Il Villaggio di Cartone (published by 24ore Cultura).
Speaker & Tutor as expert on Photography, Media, Journalism in Hostile Environments, Press Freedom, Human Rights, International News.
Main Hosts: House of Commons & House of Lords – UK Parliament, Batiment Spenelli – European Parliament, Berlin University BTK, Rome National Central Library, Locarno Film Festival, London Foreign Press Association, Mahatma Gandhi Hall, Coventry Warwick University, Cambridge Pembroke College, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore School of Medicine in Rome, FIMP Bologna and many more.
• Dialogue of Cultures Awards by Foreign Press Association UK
• Art & Culture Award by Circolo della Stampa Milan
• Press Award Caravella del Mediterraneo Italy
• Cliciak Film Photographer Award Italy
• British Book Design & Production Award
• Italian National Press Award Cutuli
• International Award by Circolo della Stampa Milan
Core Safety Certificate, National Vocational Qualification awarded by SKILLSET /UK
Risk Assessment in Hostile Environments, awarded by Lionsgate Safety and AKE Ltd.
A-Level in Management Istituto Tecnico Commerciale, Italy
Strong communication skills in Italian & English
Further details available on request and/or online.
Please Google for Kash Gabriele Torsello or call +44 746 0073815 / +39 392 1463082
Direct links
Specialist areas
Photojournalism, Documentary, Reportage, Corporate, Portrait