I am an eSports expert with deep connections in the UK's growing competitive gaming scene, and can provide consultancy, comment and articles on all aspects of the scene. I run the editorial website and
I am an eSports expert with deep connections in the UK's growing competitive gaming scene, and can provide consultancy, comment and articles on all aspects of the scene. I run the editorial website and YouTube channel eSports News UK in my spare time.
In terms of my full-time job, I am the editor of UK computing trade publication PCR (formerly PC Retail), which includes a monthly magazine, website and events. I've worked in B2B trade journalism for six years now, having originally started as a copywriter for Auto Trader - a position I held for two and a half years.
I've written for Riot Games, MCV, PCR, ToyNews, Auto Trader, GamesTM and other specialist publications.
I am extremely passionate about video gaming, eSports and technology, and can provide copywriting and consultancy services as well as articles.
Specialist areas
UK eSports, competitive gaming, UK PC/computing/technology market, retail