Writing about travel full-time since 1995, before that feature writing on various subjects. Work published in most of the UKs national press and consumer magazines as well as the Inflight magazines of
Writing about travel full-time since 1995, before that feature writing on various subjects. Work published in most of the UKs national press and consumer magazines as well as the Inflight magazines of the major airlines. Hobbies include travelling, theatre, cinema and reading. Visits S.E. Asia every year and pays many visits to the European mainland. Education to MPhil, specializing in history.
Specialist areas
Travel worldwide but with special interest and knowledge of Thailand and S.E. Asia. Italy - especially Sicily, Spain, France, Northern Ireland and S.E. England. Has written mini guides to the worlds of whiskey, gin, champagne, brandy and sherry, as well as histories of Christmas Cards, superstitions and folklore. Mari has contributed to many coffee table books including spas world wide, essential places to visit, and has written both online and print destination guides. She takes part in workshops on writing for the web and writing for magazines. As a former historian also writes on the battlefields of N. France, Thailand and Turkey. Latterly writing more about Italy where she spends time, especially Sicily.