I'm an award winning independent writer and author and an engineer with articles published in six continents. Work experience :2002 - present. Newspapers : Christian Science Monitor, The Hindu ( India),
I'm an award winning independent writer and author and an engineer with articles published in six continents.
Work experience :2002 - present.
Newspapers : Christian Science Monitor, The Hindu ( India), Gulf News ( UAE), Helsinki Times ( Finland), etc.
Magazines: Dataquest, Ms. (USA), Film Ink ( Australia), Middle East Policy (US), etc.
Website: Women's eNews,IslamOnline (Egypt),, BeWrite (France),etc.
E-zines: Writer’s Bureau (UK), GEMS (South Africa), Mad About Books (China), etc.
Books : Contributor, Writing Group Book (Chicago Review Press, 2003)
Contributor, 101 Pilgrimages (Outlook Publishers, 2006)
Contributor, 52 Weekend Getaways from Chennai (Outlook Publishers, 2007)
Awards: 2004 - Preditor's and Editors Award for Best Non-Fiction Article of 2003 for Talibanism in Technology.
2008 - National award for Tourism for the Book "101 Pilgrimages"
Specialist areas
Technology,Geopolitics,Gender, Environment, Humour,Travel,Lifestyle, Book and Movie Reviews.