Colin Haynes is an award winning author, broadcaster, and investigative journalist who has been writing professionally for over 50 years. His articles have appeared in Newsweek, the New York Times,
Colin Haynes is an award winning author, broadcaster, and investigative journalist who has been writing professionally for over 50 years.
His articles have appeared in Newsweek, the New York Times, The Times of London, Cosmopolitan, and many specialised publications around the world. His book credits include the Computer Virus Protection Handbook (Sybex, 1991), named one of the three best how-to books of the year in the 1991 Sixth Annual Computer Press Awards. He is also author of Portable Computing, (American Management Association), Healthy Computing (Amacom), How to Succeed in Cyberspace (Aslib), Breaking Down the Language Barriers (Aslib), Successful Public Relations (Scott, Foresman and Company),The Complete Collectors Guide to Fakes and Forgeries ( Wallace Homestead),, and several other books on industrial counterfeiting and intellectual property rights issues, business travel stress, and the prevention of health problems resulting from computer usage.
He was co-author with John McAfee of Computer Viruses, Worms and Data Diddlers, (St Martins Press).
He has carried out assignments in 20 countries, made over 1000 broadcasts, and spoken at leading conferences on the new Information Age technologies, particularly digital publishing/ebooks..
He is now resident in Ireland and managing editor of the new services.
Specialist areas
Digital publishing ebooks Motoring Transport Computing IT PR Marketing Parenting