Hello! Do you need searingly honest content that inspires debate? Then I'm your woman. Too much lifestyle writing glosses over the realities of most people's daily life. I would rather tell it like it
Hello! Do you need searingly honest content that inspires debate? Then I'm your woman. Too much lifestyle writing glosses over the realities of most people's daily life. I would rather tell it like it is, with added wit and warmth.
I have written on topics ranging from single life to breast feeding for top online newspaper The Huffington Post since 2011. Alongside this I regularly write for Baby Centre (304,000 likes on Facebook) and Mumazine.
An early member of the Twitterati, I have over 60,000 followers.
Specialist areas
As a TV presenter in the 90s and 00s, I have a wealth of experience in the 'unique' world inhabited by celebrities. I am still called-upon as a talking head, most recently for, 'Last of the Lads' mags' and 'TVs worst moments'. Now settled in Essex with a 4 and 3 year old- parenting, babies and family life have become my specialist area, alongside celebrity-related pieces.