My career to date falls into two not terribly neat halves. On the one hand is 20 years of working as a manager and consultant in areas of marketing, IT and statistical forecasting. That gives me a highly
My career to date falls into two not terribly neat halves. On the one hand is 20 years of working as a manager and consultant in areas of marketing, IT and statistical forecasting. That gives me a highly techy background and is the basis for a whole string of commission i have in respect of IT, the law, database...and related subjects.
I have a strong interest in censorship - which means you will also find me writing at length and often on issues of internet censorship, blocking and the like. Police and policing too.
Recent highlight was a spell as agony aunt - and features editor - with new trans lifestyle mag, "Meta"
On the other hand, over the last few years i have been developing my interest in writing about sex, sexuality and relationships. I am one of the few UK journalists who writes intimately about these areas without trivialising or poking fun. That, in turn, means people who are into areas as diverse as bdsm, swinging or polyamory are happy to talk to me secure on the knowledge that i am not about to "stitch them up" or sell some shock! horror! kiss-and-tell exclusive on their activities.
Recent publications include "Beyond the Circle" - a book about discrimination on grounds of sexuality in the UK. In the pipeline is another longer book - "intimate conversations" - that looks at how introducing a greater degree of formality in to relationships could be helpful.
I have presented papers at the Brighton and Sussex Sexualities Network - an academic forum that brings together academics from across the UK with an interest in these areas.
I was awarded the title of UK erotic writer of the year (2010) in respect of my work in writing about sexuality from a grown-up perspective. For all that, i am perfectly happy putting together lighter lifestyle pieces and write regularly for film publications.
Specialist areas
IT, legal, law, regulation, crime, police, policing, censorship, civil liberties, technology, politics, current affairs, marketing, Investigative reports, copy-writing, internet, climate change, corporate social rsponsibility, CSR, sustainability, green, green issues, carbon markets, carbon trading, obscenity,indecency, smart grid, renewables, support mechanisms, diversity, discrimination, genderqueer, women's issues, feminism, kyoto, leveson,lesbian, intersex, intersectionality, kyriarchy, Onscenity, sex, sexuality, sex industry, sex work, prostitution, relationships, alternative sexualities, bdsm, swinging, polyamory, gender, transgender, transsexual, transvestite, LGBT, energy policy, renewables, smart grid, smart metering, transmission, distribution, power network, identity, security, trans, transgender, child abuse, ceop, iwf, abuse, pornography,, filtering, online filtering, Ofcom, BBFC, smart grid, transmission, distribution, energy, anti-social behaviour, US bathroom bills