I'm a creative, talented and precise writer with a very good reputation across a range of areas. I have very particular knowledge of both Scottish and Northern irish politics and specifically of the forthcoming
I'm a creative, talented and precise writer with a very good reputation across a range of areas. I have very particular knowledge of both Scottish and Northern irish politics and specifically of the forthcoming EU referendum. With experience of working in both Westminster and the Scottish Parliament, I have excellent network contacts at the highest level. I have previously interviewed Bill Clinton when he was president, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and many other significant influencers. Former UK Government Senior Information Officer and spokesperson for the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland with extensive and detailed analytical writing and reports experience. Exceptionally competent in the understanding and recognition of online habits so well equipped to write website copy that will work. Extensive overseas media and visibility experience with the European Commission in Ukraine, India, Syria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Romania and Croatia. Expert speech writer. All-round first class features, news and PR writer.
Specialist areas
Expert in European affairs and Scottish politics, particularly around the 2014 Referendum. Business and financial markets; legal sector/Scottish justice system; property; lifestyle; health and nutrition; homes and interiors; public sector; minority and ethnic groups/immigration policy; people profiles; women's affairs; working life; arts/books; publishers' material; book editing and ghost writing; presentation and speech writing; media skills training; company newsletters. expert in web copy writing. See