Having started out in local newspapers, first as a news reporter and then as a feature writer, I became a freelance specialising in arts and leisure. I have also worked as a book doctor, rewriting manuscripts,
Having started out in local newspapers, first as a news reporter and then as a feature writer, I became a freelance specialising in arts and leisure. I have also worked as a book doctor, rewriting manuscripts, as a writer of film production notes, and as a magazine section editor. Currently I am a feature writer for Thje Stage, and John Good Ltd, who publish theatre programmes.
Specialist areas
I am a specialist writer in all matters to do with theatre and the performing arts. I have been a feature writer for The Stage - the country's leading weekly journal for the performing arts - for more than 30 years, and I also write features for theatre programmes. Most of my journalistic career has been spent as an arts feature writer and editor, although I started out as a news reporter and I have worked in almost every capacity in print journalism.