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Paul Bray


I've been a professional feature writer for more than 30 years, covering business, technology, education, employment, travel, history, science, engineering, food and drink, and a host of other topics.

I've been a professional feature writer for more than 30 years, covering business, technology, education, employment, travel, history, science, engineering, food and drink, and a host of other topics. My work has appeared in The Daily and Sunday Telegraph, The Sunday Times, The Guardian, The Hutchinson Encyclopaedia, and more magazines than I can remember, from Director and Nasdaq International to Computing, AV Magazine and Farmers Weekly.

I'm also pretty practised at writing advertising copy that satisfies the client without sounding like a cut-and-paste from their latest brochure. I've worked with Microsoft, Oracle, BT, Rolls-Royce, Sainsbury’s, British Gas, British Airways, P&O Cruises, VisitTheUSA, HSBC, Honda, Land Rover, and the UK and Welsh governments, to name but a few.

Of course I can write engagingly on subjects I'm passionate about – history, music, education, travel. Amateurs can do that. But being a professional I can also write engaging copy on subjects that bore me rigid – mortgages, condensing boilers, arcane items of networking equipment. Or maybe it's because I find that any subject becomes interesting when I write about it.

Most interesting thing I've done? A Daily Telegraph series called Taste of Britain, celebrating British food and drink. I'm not a foodie but it was fascinating: I interviewed cider makers and turkey farmers, real ale brewers and salmon spawners, artisan cheese producers, and a former Formula 1 champion turned organic farmer.

The most difficult subject? Death, for a Telegraph supplement on charitable legacies. I even interviewed a man who was dying of cancer (his idea, I hasten to add: he very generously wanted to create publicity for the hospice. Hardest 10 minutes of my career, though).

And the most remarkable person? A guy with no medical or engineering background who suddenly decided to try to stop the spread of AIDS via re-used syringes, by developing a syringe that can only be used once. He did it, too – designed it, got it into production, overcame the prejudices of suppliers, and persuaded governments to adopt it. Heaven knows how many lives he's saved. Interviews like that make me realise I picked the right job.

* NB - please don't send me press releases or invitations. I never read them. Thanks

Specialist areas

Features, case studies, editorial, advertorial and PR writing, on technology, education, engineering, travel, business issues, history, the environment, employment, science – and much else. Special interests and experience include: business computing, telecoms, AV, audiovisual, broadcast, security, ebusiness, ecommerce, internet; university, higher education, schools, apprenticeships; STEM, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace, manufacturing, energy, construction; renewables, sustainability, environment, recycling; HR, employment, training, recruitment, careers; travel, holidays; SMEs, small business, start-ups; outsourcing, marketing, CRM, customer relationship management, call centres; resellers, integrators, distributors, channel issues

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