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Roberto Sposini, journalist, from Milan, born in 1967, coordinator and moderator of academies, talks, webinars and thematic events at institutions, institutions and companies, holds the role of chief mobility

Roberto Sposini, journalist, from Milan, born in 1967, coordinator and moderator of academies, talks, webinars and thematic events at institutions, institutions and companies, holds the role of chief mobility editor in LifeGate, the reference media network for sustainable development. Already director of national publications such as GenteMotori, he wrote
on the pages of the most authoritative newspapers. Author (for Edizioni Ambiente) of "Neomateriali nell'Economia Circolare. Automotive", speaker
and chairman at conferences and events dedicated to green economy and environmental issues, contributes to the management of national and international meetings related to sustainability, innovation, environment,
mobility, circular economy and technology. Lecturer on the occasion of master’s degree on mobility, speaker on the occasion of the course of Design of visual communication at IED Istituto
Europeo di Design, curator of numerous conferences and thematic meetings, such as the "IV Conference, organized by the National Observatory on Sharing Mobility" promoted by the Ministry of the Environment and the Foundation for Sustainable Development, participates in training courses by providing its experience in: initiatives on sustainable mobility, innovation, environment and technology.
Member of the Clean Energy Wire (CLEW) Journalism Network, many of his interventions as an expert in "Extra Time", "Ultima Spiaggia" and "Greentour", radio appointments of LifeGate Radio, RaiRadio1 and Rai Isoradio.

Specialist areas

Sustainability, innovation, environment, mobility, circular economy and technology


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