Barry Cashin Award-winning Journalist, Editor, Columnist Web: Tel: 07939 058724 Twitter: @barrycashin LinkedIn: Expert
Barry Cashin
Award-winning Journalist, Editor, Columnist
Tel: 07939 058724
Twitter: @barrycashin
Expert advice, written features & commentary in the following subjects:
Consumer & Money – Property & Home – Travel – Lifestyle - Food
Moneywise – personal finance feature writer and expert commentator
At Home – feature writer for celebrity led title on parenting, home and finance issues
Sunday Express - property, consumer, lifestyle & personal finance features
The Sun – consumer rights advice features and expert commentary - property, consumer, lifestyle, product advice guides, property advice blogger - online expert consumer, property & lifestyle guides and advice writer
Bella -consumer editor, readers' champion & columnist
Best - consumer expert advice feature writer
That's Life! - Consumer Editor
Full House magazine - consumer, travel, money and lifestyle editor & advice columnist
People's Friend: - consumer & personal finance advice columnist
Orange Brand Publications - consumer expert advice and commentary
Sunday Mirror's Homes & Holidays - property, consumer, lifestyle and money-saving features
Sunday Telegraph – property/financial expert comment
Your Home - expert columnist, features consumer & lifestyle
B&Q Brand Magazine Inspired Living - home improvement feature writer
Nectar Brand - personal consumer/finance expert and consultant
Real Homes - consumer & property expert advice columnist & feature writer
Move or Improve - consumer and property expert, columnist & feature writer
Channel 4's Property Ladder – property expert columnist
Asda magazine - consumer expert advice columnist
Home Magazine - consumer expert advice columnist/expert feature writer
The Camping & Caravanning Club of GB - consumer expert advice columnist
Yours magazine - consumer, property and green issues feature writer
Loaded - consumer interest feature writer
In The Know - consumer, money-saving and property feature writer and advice columnist
Disability Now - consumer expert/columnist & feature writer
The Lady - feature writer
Balance - feature writer
Author - Real Homes "How to" Guides - "How To Sell your Property" and "Easy Weekend Makeover" DIY series.
Specialist areas
One of the UK's leading experts in consumer, property, financial, travel and home interest journalism, Barry has been writing for over twenty five years across all media platforms and has also appears on TV and radio. Barry has been commissioned as an expert advice columnist for a client list including Bella, Best, The Sun, That's Life! Moneywise, Real Homes, Channel 4’s Property Ladder, Sunday Express, Sunday Telegraph, Full House, In The Know, Home, The People's Friend, Move or Improve, Asda Magazine - and has written countless features for online clients including,, He has also written and improved corporate websites for key clients including Phoenix Group, EE and Evolution Tools. Whether it's consumer rights, travel features, money-saving and personal finance advice, food, property or home interest, if you want a journalist who knows his subject thoroughly, is highly regarded by both industry professionals as well as the reading public, contact Barry now. How to get in touch: E: W: Tel: 07939 058724 Twitter: @barrycashin