A hard-working, enthusiastic and enterprising communicator, I’ve gained extensive writing and editing experience in a wide variety of old and new media, business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-customer
A hard-working, enthusiastic and enterprising communicator, I’ve gained extensive writing and editing experience in a wide variety of old and new media, business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-customer (B2C) projects, as both a staff copywriter/commissioning editor in the financial services and industrial sectors (1996-2003). I’ve also been a voluntary freelance journalist/PR/event manager in the music sector since 1994.
I became a full-time conceptual copywriter and freelance journalist in February 2003 and my portfolio includes:
• Copywriting, editing and proof-reading for: marcomms agencies Epigram, foxmurphy (now balloon dog), Jeffrey Pellin Consultancy and Optic Juice; publishing houses Conquest Business Media (now Say One Media), East Publishing, NewsBase, White Digital Media; Norwich City Council; animal hydrotherapy equipment manufacturers Westcoast Products (now Animal Rehabilitation) and its training school. Work includes:
➢ staff, customer and tenant newsletters; B2B and B2C features and advertorials for various sectors, including the legal, housing tenants, recruitment/training, financial services, veterinary, house building, industrial, IT, leisure, tourism, home improvements, energy and arts markets
➢ strategy documents, prospectuses, point of sale leaflets, suites of literature
➢ B2C website copy
➢ recruitment advertising copy.
• PR for the animal health and music/arts markets.
• B2B features and news stories for the UK industrial and global energy sectors.
• Website, intranet and extranet technical and non-technical content management.
Specialist areas
Music and the arts. General industrial, from the shopfloor to the boardroom. Oil and gas exploration and production in Africa, Australia and New Zealand.