Motherhood Diaries began its journey as a pregnancy blog in June 2010 and grew to an online magazine in May 2013, which now provides a platform for parents and parents-to-be to share their wealth of knowledge
Motherhood Diaries began its journey as a pregnancy blog in June 2010 and grew to an online magazine in May 2013, which now provides a platform for parents and parents-to-be to share their wealth of knowledge and experience on topics related to preconception, pregnancy, labour/birth and parenting. Since 2013, the magazine has expanded to 70+ contributors, offering fact and opinion on topics ranging from fertility to beyond birth.
Access our pregnancy and parenting resource library here ==>
Throughout the years, Motherhood Diaries has also naturally segmented to the following key areas:
Natural Path to Pregnancy
Since setting up a Facebook community, over 10,000 women have joined to seek help with getting pregnant naturally and after struggling for many years to get pregnant myself, I now offer my easy-to-follow, step-by-step modules which cut through the medical jargon and helps women maximise their chances of getting pregnant naturally.
If you are struggling to get pregnant, subscribe to and receive your FREE planning Starter Kit now.
No Screen Ways
I became a mental health advocate after I noticed how my kids were suffering mentally after excessive screen time use. I found that an absence of discretionary screen time lifted their moods and enabled them to experience what life was like without screens, which would so often displace other activities.
I work with major groups like The Association of Play Industries to raise awareness on the importance of outdoor play and urge the government to increase their spend on our local parks and playgrounds. Outdoor unstructured play offers a myriad of skills that children can take with them into adulthood. But without the use of parks and playgrounds, we are seeing an epidemic of excessive screen time, obesity and mental health problems.
If you'd like to join our community and receive No Screen activities and timetables every Monday and Friday, head over here ==>
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Specialist areas
Pregnancy, parenting, breastfeeding, No Screen activities